Интегральные микросхемы

Цифровые микросхемы серии 7400

Цифровые микросхемы серии CD40

Муфты оптические

Чипы для часов и калькуляторов

Операционные усилители

Микросхемы выключателей

Микросхемы драйверов



Аудио специального назначения

Часы/Таймеры - Микросхемы спец. назначения

Часы/Таймеры - Тактовые буферы, драйверы

Часы/Таймеры - Тактовые генераторы, ФАПЧ, синтезаторы частот

Часы/Таймеры - Линии задержки

Часы/Таймеры - Батареи

Часы/Таймеры - Программируемые таймеры и генераторы

Часы/Таймеры - Часы реального времени

Сбор данных - АЦП/ЦАП специального назначения

Сбор данных - Аналоговые входные интерфейсы (AFE)

Сбор данных - Аналого-цифровой преобразователь (ADC)

Сбор данных - Цифровые потенциометры

Сбор данных - Цифро-аналоговые Преобразователи (DAC)

Сбор данных - Контроллеры тачскрина

Встраиваемые системы - Микросхемы повышенной степени интеграции (CPLD)

Встраиваемые системы - Цифровой сигнальный процессор (DSP)

Встраиваемые системы - Программируемые логические интегральные схемы (ПЛИС)

Встраиваемые системы - Программируемые логические интегральные схемы (ПЛИС) с микроконтроллерами

Встраиваемые системы - Микроконтроллер, микропроцессор, модули ПЛИС

Встраиваемые системы - Микроконтроллеры

Встраиваемые системы - Специализированные микроконтроллеры

Встраиваемые системы - Микропроцессоры

Встраиваемые системы - Программируемые логические устройства (PLD)

Встраиваемые системы - Система на кристалле (SoC)

Интерфейс - Аналоговые переключатели специального назначения

Интерфейс - Аналоговые переключатели, мультиплексоры, демультиплексоры

Интерфейс - Кодеки

Интерфейс - Контроллеры

Интерфейс - Цифровой вычислительный синтезатор (DDS)

Интерфейс - Драйверы, ресиверы, трансиверы

Интерфейс - Энкодеры, декодеры, конвертеры

Интерфейс - Активные фильтры

Интерфейс - Расширители ввода/вывода

Интерфейс - Модемы - микросхемы и модули

Интерфейс - Модули

Интерфейс - Датчики и детекторы

Интерфейс - Ёмкостный сенсорный экран

Интерфейс - Сериализаторы, десериализаторы

Интерфейс - Буферы сигналов, ретрансляторы, сплиттеры

Интерфейс - Подавители сигналов

Интерфейс - Специальные интерфейсы

Интерфейс - Телеком

Интерфейс - Универсальный асинхронный приёмопередатчик (УАПП)

Интерфейс - Запись и воспроизведение голоса

Линейные - Усилители - Аудио

Линейные - Усилители - Инструментальные, операционные, буферные усилители

Линейные - Усилители - Специального назначения

Линейные - Усилители - Видеоусилители и модули

Линейные - Аналоговые умножители/делители

Линейные - Компараторы

Линейные - Видеообработка

Логические - Буферы, драйверы, ресиверы, трансиверы

Логические - Компараторы

Логические - Счетчики, делители

Логические - Память FIFO

Логические - Триггеры

Логические - Вентили и инверторы

Логические - Вентили и инверторы - мультифункциональные, конфигурируемые

Логические - Защелки

Логические - Мультивибратор

Логические - Устройства проверки четности

Логические - Сдвиговые регистры

Логические - Сигнальные переключатели, мультиплексоры, декодеры

Логические - специальные

Логические - Трансляторы логических уровней

Логические - Универсальная шина

Память - Батареи

Память - Конфигурируемые PROM для FPGA

Память - Контроллеры

PMIC - AC-DC преобразователи, автономные коммутаторы

PMIC - Зарядные устройства

PMIC - Управление питанием

PMIC -Управление/Стабилизация тока

PMIC - Драйверы дисплея

PMIC - Учет энергии

PMIC - Полные, полумостовые драйверы

PMIC - Драйвер затвора

PMIC - Контроллеры горячей замены

PMIC - Лазерные драйверы

PMIC - Драйверы дисплея

PMIC - Освещение, контроллеры устойчивости

PMIC - Драйверы двигателя, контроллеры

PMIC - Идеальные диоды, контроллеры

PMIC - Корректоры коэффициента мощности (PFC)

PMIC - Распределительные устройства, драйверы нагрузки

PMIC - Управление питанием - Специализированное

PMIC -Power-over-Ethernet (POE) контроллеры

PMIC - Коммутационные контроллеры, мониторы

PMIC - RMS-DC преобразователи

PMIC - Супервизоры питания

PMIC - Терморегулирование

PMIC - Преобразователи частота-напряжение/напряжение-частота

PMIC - Опорное напряжение

PMIC - Стабилизаторы напряжения - DC-DC Контроллеры

PMIC - Стабилизаторы напряжения - Импульсные DC-DC стабилизаторы

PMIC - Стабилизаторы напряжения - Линейные

PMIC - Стабилизаторы напряжения - Линейные и Импульсные

PMIC - Стабилизаторы напряжения - Линейные контроллеры

PMIC - Стабилизаторы напряжения - Специального назначения

Специализированные микросхемы






Блок питания

Модуль питания

SCR,GTO и диодные


Составные транзисторы


Комплектующие для ЧПУ



Сервоприводы и Усилители

Диодный модуль

Транзисторный модуль




Контакторы и выключатели

Платы управления лифтом

Промышленный контроль



Биполярные транзисторы


Углеродистые пленочные резисторы

Цементные резисторы

Силовые резисторы для монтажа на шасси

Чип-резисторы для поверхностного монтажа

Токочувствительные резисторы

Плавкие резисторы

SMD резисторы высокой точности с низким ТКС

Высоковольтные резисторы

Резисторы для LED

MELF резисторы

Резисторы из сплава металлов

Металлопленочные резисторы (сквозной монтаж)

Металлокерамические резисторы

Металлооксидные пленочные резисторы

Металлооксидные резисторы


PTC термистор


Потенциометры и переменные резисторы

Точные потенциометры

Резисторные сборки

Резисторные сборки (сквозной монтаж)

Низкоомные резисторы (SMD)

Переменные резисторы


Проволочные резисторы


Алюминиевые электролитические конденсаторы - SMD

Конденсаторы CL21

Керамические дисковые конденсаторы

Высоковольтные конденсаторы

Металлизированные полипропиленовые пленочные конденсаторы

Многослойные керамические конденсаторы (MLCC) - с выводами

Многослойные керамические конденсаторы (MLCC) - SMD/SMT

Майларовые конденсаторы

Ниобиевые оксидно-полупроводниковые конденсаторы

Полипропиленовые пленочные конденсаторы

Твердотельные полимерные электролитические конденсаторы

Суперконденсаторы и ультраконденсаторы

Помехоподавляющие конденсаторы

Танталовые конденсаторы

Триммеры и переменные конденсаторы

Катушки индуктивности, ферритовые сердечники, трансформаторы


Транформаторы тока

Катушки индуктивности общего режима (с выводами)

Высокочастотные катушки индуктивности

Катушки индуктивности (SMD)

Линейный фильтр

Силовые катушки индуктивности

Силовые трансформаторы

Трансформаторы RJ45

Радиальные катушки индуктивности (с выводами)

Кольцевые катушки индуктивности

Кристаллы Осцилляторы

Кварцевые резонаторы в корпусе 49S

Кварцевые резонаторы в корпусе 49SMD

Кварцевые резонаторы в корпусе 49U

Керамические резонаторы

Осцилляторы в корпусе DIP (XO)

Цилиндрические резонаторы с радиальными выводами

ПАВ резонаторы

SMD резонаторы

SMD осцилляторы (XO)


AV разъемы

Аудио/видео разъемы

Штекеры типа 'банан' и 'TIP'

Краевые разъемы

Круглые разъемы

Разъемы для карт памяти


Разъемы - сопуствтвующие товары

Корпусы для разъемов


Разъемы D-SUB

Разъемы Ethernet / Модульные разъемы

Разъемы FFC, FPC (сверхплоские)

Оптические разъемы

Панели под микросхемы

Светодиодные трубки

Мезонинные разъемы (соединение плат)

PCB разъемы - штыри, вилки на плату

PCB разъемы - штыри, розетки, гнезда 'мама'

PCB разъемы - корпусы

Силовые разъемы

Высокочастотные / коаксиальные разъемы

Шунты и Джамперы

Клеммные колодки - Сопутствующие товары

Клеммные колодки - Барьерные клеммники

Клеммные колодки - Клеммники на DIN-рейку, кабель-канал

Клеммные колодки - разъемы, штепсели и розетки


Тестовые клипсы

Контрольные точки/ Кольца

USB разъемы

Прочие разъемы

Винтовые соединения

Пружинные клеммные колодки

Разъемные клеммные колодки

Проходные клеммные колодки

Автомобильные терминалы

Клеммные коробки, изоляционные втулки и блоки

Быстроразъемные разъемы и клеммы проводов

Запасной и изнашиваемый инструмент

Автомобильные разъемы

Разъемы для печатных плат

Оптические Модули SFP








Customized SFP

Оптические Модули SFP+

10G SFP+




8G/16G FC SFP+

Customized SFP+

Оптические Модули XFP





Customized XFP

Оптические Модули 40G/100G


100G QSFP28

100G CFP

100G CFP2

100G CFP4

Customized 40G/100G

25G SFP28

100G CXP

40G BiDi QSFP+

Активные оптические кабели

10G SFP+ to SFP+ AOC


40G QSFP+ to 4xSFP+ AOC

40G QSFP+ to 8xLC AOC


Customized AOC


100G QSFP28 to 4xSFP28 AOC

56G QSFP+ to QSFP+

Кабели прямого подключения

10G SFP+ to SFP+ DAC


40G QSFP+ to 4xSFP+ DAC

25G SFP28 to SFP28 DAC

100G QSFP28 to QSFP28 DAC

100G QSFP28 to 4 SFP28 DAC

Customized DAC

56G QSFP+ to QSFP+

Волоконно-оптический кабель HDMI

Волоконно-оптический кабель

MTP/MPO Plenum Trunks




OM4 40 100Gb 50/125 Multimode

OM3 10Gb 50/125 Multimode

OM2 50/125 Multimode

OM1 62.5/125 Multimode

OS2 9/125 Singlemode Simplex

OS2 9/125 Singlemode Duplex

OM5 40G 100G 50/125 Multimode

Switchable LC Cables

Uniboot LC Cables

Ultra Low Loss LC SMF

Ultra Low Loss LC MMF

BIF Fiber Cables

Armored Patch Cables

Другие модули

Converter Modules


GBIC Transceivers

PON Transcievers

Transceiver Accessories


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Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.



1230.18496 руб.

1107.16648 руб.


1168.67579 руб.

1051.80820 руб.


1107.16648 руб.

996.44977 руб.


1076.41189 руб.

968.77070 руб.


1045.65716 руб.

941.09149 руб.


1014.90258 руб.

913.41228 руб.


984.14800 руб.

885.73321 руб.


971.84607 руб.

874.66150 руб.


953.39341 руб.

858.05400 руб.

From: 953.39341 руб.

Description: The AD558SD is a monolithic, low power, high accuracy, quad voltage-output, 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Features: Low Power: 1.5 mW/Channel at +5 V High Accuracy: 0.02% Ma


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store


319.76070 руб.

287.78463 руб.


303.77266 руб.

273.39540 руб.


287.78463 руб.

259.00617 руб.


279.79061 руб.

251.81155 руб.


271.79659 руб.

244.61693 руб.


263.80258 руб.

237.42232 руб.


255.80856 руб.

230.22770 руб.


252.61095 руб.

227.34986 руб.


247.81454 руб.

223.03309 руб.

From: 247.81454 руб.

Description: 8-Pin SOP, Low-Power, Single/Dual/Quad, 8-Bit Voltage Output DACs Features: Single, Dual, and Quad 8-Bit Voltage Output DACs Low Power: 2.5mW (MAX) Low Voltage Operation: 2.7V to 5.5V


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices




684.17598 руб.

615.75838 руб.


649.96711 руб.

584.97037 руб.


615.75838 руб.

554.18250 руб.


598.65394 руб.

538.78849 руб.


581.54951 руб.

523.39449 руб.


564.44522 руб.

508.00062 руб.


547.34078 руб.

492.60676 руб.


540.49907 руб.

486.44919 руб.


530.23635 руб.

477.21276 руб.

From: 530.23635 руб.

Description: The AD7543KN is a low power, low noise, 12-bit, voltage output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with an on-chip output amplifier. Features: - Low power consumption: 1.5 mW (typical) - L


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Analog Devices


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store


872.07463 руб.

784.86717 руб.


828.47090 руб.

745.62381 руб.


784.86717 руб.

706.38045 руб.


763.06530 руб.

686.75877 руб.


741.26344 руб.

667.13709 руб.


719.46157 руб.

647.51541 руб.


697.65971 руб.

627.89374 руб.


688.93896 руб.

620.04506 руб.


675.85784 руб.

608.27206 руб.

From: 675.85784 руб.

Description: The AD7545KN is a low power, monolithic, 8-bit multiplying digital-to-analog converter (MDAC) from Analog Devices. Features: - 8-bit resolution - Low power consumption - Monolithic const


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices




1092.76722 руб.

983.49045 руб.


1038.12883 руб.

934.31591 руб.


983.49045 руб.

885.14136 руб.


956.17126 руб.

860.55409 руб.


928.85207 руб.

835.96682 руб.


901.53288 руб.

811.37955 руб.


874.21369 руб.

786.79227 руб.


863.28630 руб.

776.95760 руб.


846.89449 руб.

762.20500 руб.

From: 846.89449 руб.

The AD7245JN is a monolithic, low power, 8-bit, successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) manufactured by Analog Devices. It is available in a 24-pin PDIP package. Features: * 8-bit


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store


5567.16094 руб.

5010.44477 руб.


5567.16094 руб.

5010.44477 руб.


5381.58898 руб.

4843.43012 руб.


5307.36017 руб.

4776.62412 руб.


5270.24569 руб.

4743.22105 руб.


5196.01687 руб.

4676.41519 руб.


5196.01687 руб.

4676.41519 руб.


5158.90254 руб.

4643.01226 руб.


5121.78806 руб.

4609.60918 руб.

From: 5121.78806 руб.

#PBF Description: The LTC2668 is a family of dual 12-/10-/8-bit voltage-output DACs with an integrated, high accuracy, low drift reference in a 16-lead QFN package. Features: * 16-Lead QFN Package *


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices




604.68841 руб.

544.21963 руб.


574.45387 руб.

517.00843 руб.


544.21948 руб.

489.79752 руб.


529.10236 руб.

476.19214 руб.


513.98509 руб.

462.58661 руб.


498.86782 руб.

448.98108 руб.


483.75070 руб.

435.37556 руб.


477.70373 руб.

429.93337 руб.


468.63343 руб.

421.77003 руб.

From: 468.63343 руб.


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store


4113.19451 руб.

3701.87498 руб.


4113.19451 руб.

3701.87498 руб.


3976.08810 руб.

3578.47933 руб.


3921.24550 руб.

3529.12092 руб.


3893.82413 руб.

3504.44165 руб.


3838.98154 руб.

3455.08339 руб.


3838.98154 руб.

3455.08339 руб.


3811.56032 руб.

3430.40425 руб.


3784.13895 руб.

3405.72498 руб.

From: 3784.13895 руб.

#PBF Description: The LTC1599ACG#PBF is a low-power, low-noise, high-precision, rail-to-rail output CMOS operational amplifier. Features: * Low supply current: 0.9mA/amplifier * Rail-to-rail input a


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Texas Instruments


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store


305.22612 руб.

274.70351 руб.


289.96482 руб.

260.96833 руб.


274.70351 руб.

247.23316 руб.


267.07286 руб.

240.36557 руб.


259.44220 руб.

233.49798 руб.


251.81155 руб.

226.63039 руб.


244.18090 руб.

219.76281 руб.


241.12864 руб.

217.01577 руб.


236.55024 руб.

212.89522 руб.

From: 236.55024 руб.

Description: The DAC7513E/2K5 is a 14-bit, 2.5-V, voltage-output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) from Texas Instruments. Features: - 14-bit resolution - 2.5-V operation - ±1 LSB max INL - ±2 LSB ma


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices

Quad, 12-Bit DAC Voltage Output with Readback



5542.69910 руб.

4988.42925 руб.


5542.69910 руб.

4988.42925 руб.


5357.94253 руб.

4822.14831 руб.


5284.03987 руб.

4755.63590 руб.


5247.08847 руб.

4722.37962 руб.


5173.18582 руб.

4655.86722 руб.


5173.18582 руб.

4655.86722 руб.


5136.23456 руб.

4622.61109 руб.


5099.28316 руб.

4589.35481 руб.

From: 5099.28316 руб.


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices

10-Bit High Speed Multiplying D/A Converter Universal Digital Logic Interface



454.78561 руб.

409.30707 руб.


432.04627 руб.

388.84165 руб.


409.30707 руб.

368.37639 руб.


397.93739 руб.

358.14361 руб.


386.56772 руб.

347.91098 руб.


375.19805 руб.

337.67820 руб.


363.82852 руб.

327.44571 руб.


359.28080 руб.

323.35277 руб.


352.45885 руб.

317.21293 руб.

From: 352.45885 руб.


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Texas Instruments


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store


610.45224 руб.

549.40702 руб.


579.92963 руб.

521.93667 руб.


549.40702 руб.

494.46632 руб.


534.14571 руб.

480.73114 руб.


518.88441 руб.

466.99597 руб.


503.62310 руб.

453.26079 руб.


488.36179 руб.

439.52561 руб.


482.25727 руб.

434.03154 руб.


473.10049 руб.

425.79044 руб.

From: 473.10049 руб.

Description: The DAC7611UB/2K5G4 is a 12-bit voltage output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) from Texas Instruments. Features: 12-bit voltage output 2.5V reference voltage ±1LSB max integral n


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Analog Devices


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store


1017.42040 руб.

915.67836 руб.


966.54938 руб.

869.89445 руб.


915.67836 руб.

824.11053 руб.


890.24285 руб.

801.21857 руб.


864.80734 руб.

778.32661 руб.


839.37183 руб.

755.43465 руб.


813.93632 руб.

732.54269 руб.


803.76212 руб.

723.38591 руб.


788.50081 руб.

709.65073 руб.

From: 788.50081 руб.

Description: The AD7524JNZ is a low power, 8-bit, CMOS, voltage output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with a serial interface. Features: 8-bit Resolution Low Power Consumption Serial Inte


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well




Microprocessor-Compatible 12-Bit D/A Converter



1610.18566 руб.

1449.16711 руб.


1520.73087 руб.

1368.65776 руб.


1476.00347 руб.

1328.40309 руб.


1431.27607 руб.

1288.14842 руб.


1386.54867 руб.

1247.89374 руб.


1368.65776 руб.

1231.79205 руб.


1341.82141 руб.

1207.63921 руб.


1323.93036 руб.

1191.53737 руб.


1297.09401 руб.

1167.38454 руб.

From: 1297.09401 руб.


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store


4323.63702 руб.

3891.27331 руб.


4323.63702 руб.

3891.27331 руб.


4179.51578 руб.

3761.56413 руб.


4121.86729 руб.

3709.68049 руб.


4093.04304 руб.

3683.73874 руб.


4035.39455 руб.

3631.85509 руб.


4035.39455 руб.

3631.85509 руб.


4006.57030 руб.

3605.91320 руб.


3977.74605 руб.

3579.97145 руб.

From: 3977.74605 руб.


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Maxim Integrated


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store


93.60268 руб.

84.24241 руб.


89.53300 руб.

80.57970 руб.


81.39363 руб.

73.25427 руб.

From: 81.39363 руб.

Description: Dual, 8-Bit, Voltage Output, Digital-to-Analog Converter Features: 8-Bit Resolution ±1 LSB INL Max ±1 LSB DNL Max 0.2μA Max Shutdown Current 2.7V to 5.5V Single-Supply Operation


Минимальное количество заказа:3

В избранное



Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Analog Devices


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store


1904.61100 руб.

1714.14990 руб.


1867.98386 руб.

1681.18548 руб.


1831.35673 руб.

1648.22105 руб.

From: 1831.35673 руб.

Description: The AD7224LN is a low power, 12-bit, successive approximation A/D converter with a serial I/O interface. Features: 12-bit Resolution Low Power Consumption: 1.5 mW at 5 V Supply


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices

Dual 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying CMOS D/A Converter



852.72301 руб.

767.45068 руб.


810.08684 руб.

729.07808 руб.


767.45068 руб.

690.70564 руб.


746.13252 руб.

671.51927 руб.


724.81451 руб.

652.33305 руб.


703.49636 руб.

633.14668 руб.


682.17835 руб.

613.96045 руб.


673.65105 руб.

606.28591 руб.


660.86034 руб.

594.77423 руб.

From: 660.86034 руб.


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store


1440.19201 руб.

1296.17281 руб.


1360.18134 руб.

1224.16314 руб.


1320.17608 руб.

1188.15852 руб.


1280.17068 руб.

1152.15361 руб.


1240.16542 руб.

1116.14885 руб.


1224.16328 руб.

1101.74697 руб.


1200.16001 руб.

1080.14394 руб.


1184.15788 руб.

1065.74206 руб.


1160.15475 руб.

1044.13932 руб.

From: 1160.15475 руб.

#PBF Description: The LTC2636 is a family of dual 12-/10-bit rail-to-rail voltage-output DACs with an integrated, high accuracy, low drift reference in a tiny 10-lead DFN package. Features: - 12-/10


Минимальное количество заказа:1

В избранное



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store


872.07463 руб.

784.86717 руб.


828.47090 руб.

745.62381 руб.


784.86717 руб.

706.38045 руб.


763.06530 руб.

686.75877 руб.


741.26344 руб.

667.13709 руб.


719.46157 руб.

647.51541 руб.


697.65971 руб.

627.89374 руб.


688.93896 руб.

620.04506 руб.


675.85784 руб.

608.27206 руб.

From: 675.85784 руб.

Description: The AD7243AN is a low-power, 8-bit, successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an on-chip track-and-hold circuit. Features: 8-bit resolution Low power consumpt


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